Welcome Michigan Club
Let’s have fun and meet with old and new friends!!!
Save this date for the last seasonal gathering:
The price includes food & entertainment. Guests are welcome.
There is $4 per person fee for a guest.
The meeting is at the West Center
April 2nd – Wednesday – West Center – $29.00
Catered by Madera Sunrise.
Food: Burgundy Beef Short Ribs Roasted Potatoes with fresh herbs,
Garlic Green Beans with Sweet Peppers and a Salad.
BYOB – Doors at 5:00 PM Happy Time – Dinner at 6:00PM –
Entertainment at 6:30PM
Entertainment: “Elderly Brothers” this duo captures humor about
Green Valley in their songs.
This is the meeting where we ask members to bring a non-perishable
food item to support the local food bank.
If you have questions, please call or text:
Diane Watts President (616) 581-0052 / [email protected]
General Club Information,
The Club has agreed that there will be no added entertainment costs for the
near future. The meals will be wonderful and catered by approved caterers.
Membership is still $10.00 for the year.
Please use this website ( www.michiganclub.org ) to download the Membership
form / attendance sheet to become a member and reserve.
We are still requiring a check to be sent to the address below as we investigate
credit card, Venmo & Zelle payments. That will be a future goal. Checks can be
mailed to:
The Michigan Club
PO Box 232
Green Valley AZ 85622.
Please mail early as we need to have reservation numbers 5 days ahead so we
can inform the caterer.